Friday, November 18, 2011



Definition :
A noun is a member of syntactic class
> That includes words which refer to peoples, places, things, ideas, or concepts

Nouns :
• Jakarta
n. seaport and capital city of Indonesia situated on the island of Java
• man [mæn]
n. adult male human
• salt [sɔːlt]
n. sodium chloride, common crystalline mineral
• congregation [con•gre•ga•tion ||
n. coming together, assembling
• movement ['move•ment || 'muːvmənt]
n. act of moving, motion; specific type of motion
• student [stu•dent || 'stuːdnt /-tju-]
n. one who is enrolled in a school or college
• Hadi and Udin
male first names
• life [laɪf]
n. state of being alive (manifested by growth, reproduction, etc.);
• country [coun•try || 'kʌntrɪ]
n. state, nation; region; rural area

Examples :
1. Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia
2. I met a man yesterday
3. Salt is necessary for food
4. I see large congregation at mosque
5. We lay there without movement
6. Students’ book
7. Hadi’s sincerity
8. We study to succeed in life
9. Udin always listens to the radio
10. Everyone has to love his country

Kinds :
> Proper Noun
> Common Noun
> Material Noun
> Collective Noun
> Abstract Noun
> Possessive Noun


Definition :
A verb is a member of the syntactic class of word that
> Typically signal events and action
> Word that tells of an action or state of being and the time of when it is

Verbs :
• need [nɪːd]
v. require; be in distress, be under hardship; be obligated
• drench [drentʃ]
v. wet, soak, saturate
• look [lʊk]
v. turn one's eyes in order to see someone or something
• grow [grəʊ]
v. become larger; cultivate; be changed; be; become
• travel [trav•el || 'trævl]
v. go on a journey, go on a voyage, move, go from one place to another
• kick [kɪk]
v. strike with the foot
• distort [dis•tort || dɪ'stɔːt]
v. deform; falsify; twist; contort
• will [wɪl]
v. verb used together with other verbs to indicate the future tense
• be [biː;bɪ]
v. exist; occur, happen; occupy a position or place

Examples :
1. Albar needed help
2. The rain drenched us
3. Ghanee looked beautiful
4. The night grew cold
5. Peter grows tomatoes
6. I travel to Bali
7. She kicks and runs
8. That mirror distorts your image
9. When will the bank open?
10. Where are the scissors?

Kinds :
> Auxiliary Verb
> Conjunctive Verb
> Defective Verb
> Finite Verb
> Impersonal Verb  Irregular Verb
> Lexical Verb
> Nonfinite Verb
> Phrasal Verb
> Reflexive Verb


Definition :
> An adjective is a word that belongs to a class whose members modify nouns. An adjective specifies the properties or attributes of a noun referent
> A word used to qualify a noun or pronoun

Adjectives :
• diligent ['dil•i•gent || 'dɪlɪdʒənt]
adj. industrious, hard-working
• wooden [wood•en || 'wʊdn]
adj. made from wood; of wood; hard
• third [θɜrd /θɜːd]
adj. next after the second; being one of 3 equal parts
• many [man•y || 'menɪ]
adj. large in number, abundant, numerous
• enough [e•nough || ɪ'nʌf]
adj. sufficient, adequate
• these [ðɪːz]
adj. plural form of "this", word used to indicate several specific people or things
• every [ev•er•y || 'evrɪ]
adj. each
• what [hwɑt ,hwʌt /wɒt]
adj. word used in question to request specific information; which
• its [ɪts]
adj. belonging to it
• all [ɔːl]
adj. each; every; whole of

Examples :
1. Harun is diligent boy
2. My Mother buys wooden chairs
3. The third house is mine
4. Many people are poor
5. Elok had enough clothes and sufficient food
6. These houses are for teacher
7. Every pupil has to study
8. What time is it now?
9. Monkey eats fruit with its hand
10. Ali walks all the way

Kinds :
> Proper Adjective
> Adjective of Quality or State
> Adjective of Number or Quality
> Demonstrative Adjective  Distributive Adjective
> Introgrative Adjective
> Possesive Adjective


Definition :
A verb is a member of the syntactic class of words that
> Typically signal events and actions
> Words that modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs

Adverbs :
• slowly
adv. at a low rate of speed, not quickly
• yesterday ['yes•ter•day || jestə(r)deɪ]
adv. on the day before the present day
• out [aʊt]
adv. outside; on the exterior; on the outskirts; until the end; completely
• fairly [fair•ly || 'ferlɪ /'feəl-]
adv. justly; well enough, moderately; clearly
• too [tuː]
adv. excessively; also
• higher [high•er || 'haɪə(r)]
adv loftier, taller, greater than normal
• more [mɔr /mɔː]
adv. to a greater degree; additionally; further; again
• quietly ['kwaɪətlɪ]
adv. silently, noiselessly; peacefully, tranquilly, restfully
• extremely [ex'treme•ly || -lɪ]
adv. very, highly, very much; in a radical manner
• most [məʊst]
adv. to the greatest extent, to the highest degree; mainly; nearly (Old English)
• far [fɑr /fɑː]
adv. distantly; from afar; considerably; very

Examples :
1. Adverb modify verbs.
> We walk slowly (How)
> We walked yesterday (When)
> We walk out (Where)
2. Adverb modify adjective
> It was a fairly clear day
> The problem is too difficult
> The kite flies higher in the sky
> I walked into the library more quietly than before
3. Adverb modify other adverb
> Gaguk talk extremely fast
> He laughs most happily
> The ball rolled far away

1. Klaiman, M. H., Grammatical Voice (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics), Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
2. Maufur, M., English Grammar, Darussalam University Press, 1993
3. Englishclub.com
4. Klaiman, M. H., Grammatical Voice (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics), Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991.
5. Practical English Grammar, Cambridge Univ. Press
6. Babylon Corp
7. http://en.wikipedia.org/
8. http://www.sil.org/linguistics/GlossaryOfLinguisticTerms.htm/
9. http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/index.htm/
10. http://www.ethnologue.com/LL_docs/show_contents.asp

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