Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hatred Imaginary

staring the night with no stars, i wish i was somewhere for friends, i hope i'm as happy as i always fucking prentend. text by text sent, there's so many words i couldn't comprehend, hell...it so fucking confusing. it makes me think twice, harder. my mind flies wherever it may roam. now i thought i lost my way back into where i suppose to be. but i still wanta catch up my night quietly, cuddling ma blanket closer. but i cant close ma eyes, i try ta keep it open with a book wide unfolded, but still the same. i'ma tryin over and over again ta kill this mo'fucking time, but i just cant. who's da hell text ya homie?? i was like this before. i knew theres something wrong, but i dunno wut's going on. i wonder how, ta describe this situation, i need ta relax, n stay kewl, be smart dun be retard.

these feelings, so different, unusual, its hard to believe. in fact i enjoy ma time of being with me, with my lonely so far, i was good. but not this time, i think i need ta move away out of ma throne. theres kinda thing inside my mind crawling. telling me something, calling me ta hang around with companions o'yours, follow ur instinc blindly, hell no. but, this sound louder inviting me to go outward. kinda trip that shall be amazing memories to remember, da things i cant even deny, da dream that i always desire, da place that i have come to please me the most. ma question is, whoz da fuck callin' me? [sound in my mind] : "i'm your motherfucking conscience" hahahaha, and all of these fuckin' shit of influences circle me, and i dun really understand. da sound of it voice shakes ma throne, i just feel like i have to go somewhere. huh fuck off! i dun think so. hell i go nowhere. you can call me an asshole i'm glad. im so sick and tired. mark my word!

malang rebo

9:42 PM 10/25/2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Membongkar Gurita Cikeas: Di Balik Kasus Bank Century

"Membongkar Gurita Cikeas: Di Balik Kasus BankCentury", itulah judul lengkap salah satu buku terbaru di akhir tahun2009 karangan George Junus Aditjondro. George adalah ahli sosiolog asalIndonesia.

Buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas tersebut menjadi kontroversi, sebab menguliti'borok' Cikeas. Dalam salah satu bab, Aditjondro menyebutkan keterlibatan SBYdan keluarganya dalam kasus Century.

Buku Di Balik Kasus Bank Century itu membahas empat yayasan sepertiYayasan Puri Cikeas, Yayasan Kepedulian dan Kesetiakawanan, Yayasan MadjelisDzikir SBY Nurussalam, dan Yayasan Mutumanikam Nusantara yang ditulis Georgesebagai pencari dukungan politik dan dana.

Namun sayang, meski baru di launching secara terbatas di Malang, download aja"Membongkar Gurita Cikeas" yang sudah sirna dari peredaran di sejumlah toko bukusejak itu. Beberapa toko buku besar di Malang seperti Gramediasudah tidak memajang buku terbitan PT Galangpress itu.

O ya, berikut cuplikan halamanpertama buku tersebut :
“Apakah penyertaan modal sementara yang berjumlah Rp 6,7triliun itu ada yang bocor atau tidak sesuai dengan peruntukannya? Bahkanberkembang pula desas-desus,rumor, atau tegasnya fitnah, yang mengatakan bahwasebagian dana itu dirancang untuk dialirkan ke dana kampanye Partai Demokratdan Capres SBY; fitnah yang sungguh kejam dan sangat menyakitkan….

Sejauh mana para pengelola Bank Century yang melakukan tindakan pidana diprosessecara hukum, termasuk bagaimana akhirnya dana penyertaan modal sementara itudapat kembali ke negara?"
Penasaran ama buku di atas monggo di sedot di SINI

English Slang and Colloquialisms

Here's i present you a selection of good fucking material stuff of mine, kinda book. u can catch the very awesome dictionary of slang here, and u are able to immediatly find da term u re lookin for. just because slang is informal, often entertaining language. so u can now understand eminem lyrics easier, or any other rap song lyrics, such as 50 cent,lil wayne etc.as we knew already american slang is convenience language ta be used in daily life. so i wish you the best of luck for future projects! masta it and be kewl hommey! catch ya later

just mo'fuckin' download it HERE

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