Sunday, February 28, 2010

Notorious State (Verse. 2)

again, guess whos show up?
near to ya, i move closer right up
lets get down the point...
'bot tha things that ya'll dreamin,
that make you feel so much important.
just leave those dreams behind... and go home...

i want encourage any action a collective ways,
i won't make rhyme disrespect and hate
to set up cultural posse self-sustaining our state.
i love to rock harder full of scale with traditional culturs we made.
yo i gon keep it rock and rollin whole day night
this culture expresses our views of the world
but it all almost extincted those over these period
da demise of national identity now face his fate
when da nation shift culture into prostitution garage
stop dreamin'! cuz lot thing has changed,
i know we own it, or we'd better loose it
fucking perform a sale, where is da proud of the nation?
forefather this land scream underneath paving mud
as hell da nation is about broken attitude
another sacrifice front on massive damage
in order to standardizing basic rules of demon
Elf does give ya a fuck what you've done

apakah kita akan diam saja pada raja dunia
dan menyerah pada rotasi kompromi?
yang runtuhkan keberagaman, bakar citacita lelehkan di satu gerabah!
apakah kita akan diam saja pada mereka yang mengobral harga negara,
di kubangan kokas gelantangkan gambaran wajah dan jiwa?
apakah kita akan diam saja pada mereka yang membangun altar kutukan
agar terbuka pesugihan pelipur akhir pekan?
dengan kulit, daging dan tulang kemenyani udara
biar mata optik terus berputar tulisi cd dengan kebusukan propaganda
inilah tuturan konyol mitos dungu
yang buta menyamakan antara undang-undang dan fakta

prigen hill. february, 28 2010
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